Uses of Class

Packages that use LList
ix.applet Support for I-P2 applets. 
ix.icore I-X core classes. 
ix.icore.domain Domain descriptions. 
ix.icore.plan Classes for external / snapshot representation of processes. 
ix.icore.process Classes for representing processes. 
ix.iface.domain Domain parsers and outputters. 
ix.iface.util Interface utilities. 
ix.ip2 I-X Process Panels 
ix.ip2.log Ip2-specific classes for object history and event-log entries. 
ix.iplan The I-X planner. 
ix.iquery I-Q, an I-X Query agent.   
ix.ispace Information about other agents and agent-relationships. 
ix.iview Viewers. 
ix.iview.domain Objects that mirror those of the domain (in ix.icore.domain package) for UI purposes. 
ix.test Simple applications for testing purposes. 
ix.test.xml Experiments with new classes that could be converted to and from XML. 
ix.util General-purpose utilities. 
ix.util.context Context-layering mechanism. 
ix.util.lisp List-processing utilities. 
ix.util.xml XML utilities. 

Uses of LList in ix.applet

Fields in ix.applet declared as LList
(package private)  LList AppletMessage.args

Methods in ix.applet that return LList
 LList AppletMessage.getArgs()
 LList AppletMessage.toList()

Methods in ix.applet with parameters of type LList
 void AppletMessage.setArgs(LList args)

Constructors in ix.applet with parameters of type LList
AppletMessage(java.lang.String from, java.lang.String command, LList args)

Uses of LList in ix.icore

Fields in ix.icore declared as LList
protected  LList TaskItem.pattern

Methods in ix.icore that return LList
 LList TaskItem.getParameters()
 LList TaskItem.getPattern()

Methods in ix.icore with parameters of type LList
 void TaskItem.setPattern(LList pattern)
static java.util.Set Variable.varsIn(LList tree)

Constructors in ix.icore with parameters of type LList
Activity(LList pattern)
Issue(LList pattern)
TaskItem(LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.icore.domain

Fields in ix.icore.domain declared as LList
protected  LList Refinement.pattern
protected  LList PatternAssignment.pattern
protected  LList NodeSpec.pattern

Methods in ix.icore.domain that return LList
 LList Refinement.getPattern()
 LList PatternAssignment.getPattern()
 LList NodeSpec.getPattern()
 LList Constraint.getPattern()

Methods in ix.icore.domain that return types with arguments of type LList
 java.util.Set<LList> Domain.getActivityPatternSyntaxes(boolean includeSubnodes)

Methods in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type LList
 void Refinement.setPattern(LList pattern)
 void PatternAssignment.setPattern(LList pattern)
 void NodeSpec.setPattern(LList pattern)

Constructors in ix.icore.domain with parameters of type LList
NodeSpec(int id, LList pattern)
NodeSpec(Name id, LList pattern)
NodeSpec(java.lang.Object id, LList pattern)
PatternAssignment(LList pattern)
          Construct a PatternAssignment in which the value is the Symbol named "true".
PatternAssignment(LList pattern, java.lang.Object value)
Refinement(java.lang.String name, LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.icore.plan

Methods in ix.icore.plan that return LList
(package private)  LList PlanAsDomain.patternForDomain(java.util.List pattern)
(package private)  LList DomainAsPlan.patternForPlan(java.util.List pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.icore.process

Methods in ix.icore.process that return LList
abstract  LList PNode.getPattern()
 LList ProcessModelManager.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
          Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVars have been replaced by Variables.
 LList AbstractPMM.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
          Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVars have been replaced by Variables.

Methods in ix.icore.process with parameters of type LList
protected abstract  PNode PNode.makePNode(PNode parent, LList pattern)
          Factory method that constructs a child PNode of the right class.
 LList ProcessModelManager.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
          Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVars have been replaced by Variables.
 LList AbstractPMM.putVariablesInPattern(LList pattern)
          Returns a copy of the pattern in which ItemVars have been replaced by Variables.

Uses of LList in ix.iface.domain

Methods in ix.iface.domain that return LList
(package private) static LList LTF_Parser.ensureList(java.lang.Object a)
static LList LTF_Parser.expandAllOrderings(LList orderings)
          Expands a list of orderings into a list of simple orderings.
static LList LTF_Parser.expandOrdering(LList ordering)
(package private) static LList LTF_Parser.expandOrderPair(java.lang.Object left, java.lang.Object right)
protected static LList LTF_Parser.theLList(java.lang.Object o)

Methods in ix.iface.domain with parameters of type LList
(package private)  void LTF_Parser.badAnnotation(LList kvPair)
(package private)  void LTF_Parser.doInclude(LList form)
static LList LTF_Parser.expandAllOrderings(LList orderings)
          Expands a list of orderings into a list of simple orderings.
static LList LTF_Parser.expandOrdering(LList ordering)
(package private)  java.util.Map LTF_Parser.makeAnnotations(LList def)
abstract  Constraint LTF_Parser.ConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
          Construct a constraint based on the spec and any bindings in the MatchEnv.
 Constraint LTF_Parser.WorldStateConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.ComputeParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.MultipleAnswerComputeParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.BeforeParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.DurationParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.WindowAtParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.ResourceConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.AdviceParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 Constraint LTF_Parser.OtherConstraintParser.makeConstraint(LList spec, MatchEnv env)
 ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint LTF_Parser.makeConstraints(LList items)
 ix.icore.ListOfIssue LTF_Parser.makeIssues(LList items)
(package private)  java.util.Map LTF_Parser.makeMap(LList def)
 ix.icore.domain.ListOfNodeSpec LTF_Parser.makeNodes(LList items)
(package private)  ObjectClass LTF_Parser.makeObjectClass(LList def)
(package private)  ix.icore.domain.ListOfObjectProperty LTF_Parser.makeObjectProperties(LList props)
(package private)  ObjectProperty LTF_Parser.makeObjectProperty(LList spec)
 ix.icore.domain.ListOfOrdering LTF_Parser.makeOrderings(LList items)
 Refinement LTF_Parser.makeRefinement(LList def)
(package private)  ix.util.lisp.ListOfSymbol LTF_Parser.makeSuperNames(LList names)
 ix.icore.domain.ListOfVariableDeclaration LTF_Parser.makeVarDcls(LList items)
(package private)  void LTF_Parser.processDomainHeader(Domain dom, LList header)

Uses of LList in ix.iface.ui.util

Methods in ix.iface.ui.util that return LList
static LList UIUtil.remove(java.lang.Object o, LList list)
static LList UIUtil.removeDuplicates(LList list)

Methods in ix.iface.ui.util with parameters of type LList
static LList UIUtil.remove(java.lang.Object o, LList list)
static LList UIUtil.removeDuplicates(LList list)

Uses of LList in ix.iface.util

Methods in ix.iface.util with parameters of type LList
static java.lang.String Reporting.patternDescription(LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.ip2

Fields in ix.ip2 declared as LList
(package private)  LList ObjectWhiteboard.Fact.pattern
(package private)  LList QueryHandler.AnswerHandler.AnswerAction.queryPattern

Fields in ix.ip2 with type parameters of type LList
(package private)  java.util.Map<LList,ContextHashMap> Scrum.resourceTable

Methods in ix.ip2 that return LList
 LList AgendaItem.getPattern()

Methods in ix.ip2 with parameters of type LList
protected  void Ip2WorldStateManager.assign(LList p, java.lang.Object v, PNode at)
protected  void Scrum.consume(ContextHashMap avail, LList pattern, PNode node, long v)
protected  void VariableManager.FilterMatcher.evalComputeFilter(Constraint c, LList restConds, MatchEnv baseEnv)
protected  void VariableManager.FilterMatcher.filter(Constraint c, LList restConds, MatchEnv baseEnv)
protected  ContextHashMap Scrum.getAvailabilityMap(LList resourcePattern)
(package private)  Domain LoadDomainHandler.AbstractLoadDomainAction.getDomain(LList pattern)
(package private)  ObjectWhiteboard.Fact ObjectWhiteboard.getFact(LList pattern)
 java.lang.Object Ip2WorldStateManager.getPatternValue(LList pattern)
protected  java.lang.Object LoadDomainHandler.getVerb(LList pattern)
protected  java.lang.Object LispComputeInterpreter.getWorldStateValue(LList pattern)
 java.lang.Object Ip2ModelManager.getWorldStateValue(LList pattern)
(package private)  boolean ActivityEditor.ActivityEditPanel.hasValidSyntax(LList pattern)
 boolean ObjectWorld.isDistributedSetPattern(LList pattern)
 boolean ObjectWorld.isPropertyPattern(LList pattern)
 AgendaItem AgendaTableViewer.makeItem(LList pattern)
 AgendaItem IssueAgenda.makeItem(LList pattern)
 AgendaItem AgendaViewer.makeItem(LList pattern)
 AgendaItem AgendaViewTable.makeItem(LList pattern)
 AgendaItem AgendaManager.makeItem(LList pattern)
abstract  AgendaItem Agenda.makeItem(LList pattern)
 AgendaItem ActivityAgenda.makeItem(LList pattern)
protected  PNode IssueItem.makePNode(PNode parent, LList pattern)
protected  PNode ActivityItem.makePNode(PNode parent, LList pattern)
protected  void VariableManager.FilterMatcher.matchComputeResult(Constraint c, java.lang.Object value, LList restConds, MatchEnv baseEnv)
 MatchEnv SendReportHandler.matchSyntax(LList pattern)
 void AgendaItem.setPattern(LList pattern)

Constructors in ix.ip2 with parameters of type LList
WaitForReportsActivity(java.lang.String destination, LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.ip2.log

Fields in ix.ip2.log declared as LList
protected  LList ItemHandledEvent.pattern

Methods in ix.ip2.log that return LList
 LList ItemHandledEvent.getPattern()

Methods in ix.ip2.log with parameters of type LList
 void ItemHandledEvent.setPattern(LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.iplan

Fields in ix.iplan declared as LList
(package private)  LList SlipFindExecutable.Resume.allNodeEnds
protected  LList IPlanWorldStateManager.Fact.pattern

Fields in ix.iplan with type parameters of type LList
protected  java.util.Map<LList,PNodeEnd> PlanCheckingSimulator.UseChecker.useTable

Methods in ix.iplan that return LList
(package private)  LList SlipFindExecutable.getNodeEnds()
 LList IPlanWorldStateManager.Fact.getPattern()

Methods in ix.iplan with parameters of type LList
protected  void IPlanWorldStateManager.assign(LList p, java.lang.Object v, PNode at)
protected  void PlanCheckingSimulator.checkComputeResult(LList p, java.lang.Object expected, java.lang.Object actual)
protected  void PlanCheckingSimulator.checkForDeleters(PNodeEnd ne, LList p, java.lang.Object v, java.util.Set ready)
protected  void PlanCheckingSimulator.UseChecker.checkUseBegin(LList pattern, PNodeEnd at)
protected  void PlanCheckingSimulator.UseChecker.checkUseEnd(LList pattern, PNodeEnd at)
protected  java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.computePossibleConditions(LList pattern)
protected  java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.computePossibleConstraints(LList pattern)
protected  java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.computePossibleEffects(LList pattern)
protected  java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.computePossibleUseForEffects(LList pattern)
(package private)  LListIterator SlipFindExecutable.endIterator(LList l)
(package private)  void SlipSingleStepper.evalCommand(LList command)
(package private)  void SlipFindExecutable.executeTrivialEnds(LList nodeEnds)
(package private)  void SlipFindExecutable.findNext(LList allNodeEnds, LListIterator nodeEndIter)
(package private)  java.util.Set Slip.PossibleConditionFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
(package private)  java.util.Set Slip.PossibleEffectFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
(package private)  java.util.Set Slip.PossibleConstraintFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
(package private) abstract  java.util.Set Slip.PossiblesFinder.getForPattern(LList pattern)
 long DomainAnalyser.getMinFullExpandSize(LList pattern)
(package private)  long DomainAnalyser.MinFullExpandFinder.getMinFullExpandSize(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleConditions(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleConstraints(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleEffects(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleTopLevelConditions(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleTopLevelConstraints(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleTopLevelEffects(LList pattern)
 java.util.Set DomainAnalyser.getPossibleUseForEffects(LList pattern)
protected  java.lang.Object PlanCheckingSimulator.CheckingInterpreter.getWorldStateValue(LList pattern)
(package private) static boolean Slip.isAchievableCondPattern(LList pattern, Domain decider)
(package private)  void SlipFindExecutable.postFindNextAlt(PNodeEnd selected, LList allNodeEnds, LListIterator nodeEndIter, java.lang.String doing)
(package private)  boolean SlipFindExecutable.refinementApplies(Refinement r, LList pattern)
 java.util.Set<Refinement> DomainAnalyser.refinementsExpandingPattern(LList pattern)
(package private) abstract  void args)
protected  void IPlanWorldStateManager.satisfy1Cond(LList p, java.lang.Object v, PNode at)

Constructors in ix.iplan with parameters of type LList
IPlanWorldStateManager.Fact(LList pattern, java.lang.Object value, PNode at)
SlipFindExecutable.Resume(LList allNodeEnds, LListIterator nodeEndIter, PNodeEnd selected, java.util.List<PNodeEnd> interacting, java.lang.String doing)

Uses of LList in ix.iquery

Methods in ix.iquery with parameters of type LList
protected  Constraint LookupHandler.makeStateConstraint(LList pattern)
protected  Constraint LookupHandler.makeStateConstraint(LList pattern, java.lang.Object value)

Uses of LList in

Fields in declared as LList
(package private)  LList SLReplyDecoder.CONSTRAINT_PATTERN

Uses of LList in ix.isim

Methods in ix.isim with parameters of type LList
static TimedEvent TimedEvent.getTimedEvent(LList list)
          This factory method must be used to create new timed events.

Uses of LList in ix.ispace

Methods in ix.ispace with parameters of type LList
static VerbCapability VerbCapability.from(LList pattern)
          Returns the capability that corresponds to the pattern's verb.

Uses of LList in ix.iview

Methods in ix.iview with parameters of type LList
 java.util.HashSet UIRefinementSetEditor.getMatchingRefinements(LList pattern, java.util.List refs)
 java.util.HashSet UIRefinementSetEditor.getMatchingUIRefinements(LList pattern, java.util.List domainMatches)
 UIRefinement ActionEditorPanel.makeNewRefinement(java.lang.String name, LList pattern)
static boolean ActionEditorPanel.orderingsAreSequential(LList nodes, LList orderings)
          Checks whether the orderings are a sequence of the nodes.

Uses of LList in ix.iview.domain

Fields in ix.iview.domain declared as LList
 LList UIRefinement.pattern
protected  LList UISpec.spec

Methods in ix.iview.domain that return LList
 LList UIDomain.getAllGraphs()
 LList UIRefinement.getPattern()
 LList UINodeSpec.getPattern()
 LList UISpec.getSpec()

Methods in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type LList
static NodeSpec UIRefinement.findEditedNode(java.util.List oldNodes, LList pattern)
          Tries to find a node in the given list with a similar pattern.
 NodeSpec UIRefinement.findNode(java.util.List nodeList, LList pattern)
          Tries to find a node in the given list whose pattern matches the given pattern.
 NodeSpec UIRefinement.findNode(LList pattern)
          Tries to find a node within this refinement whose pattern matches the given pattern.
 java.util.Set UIDomain.getMatchingRefinements(LList pattern)
 boolean UIDomain.isMatchingRefinement(LList pattern, java.lang.Object o)
          Checks whether the given object is a refinement that matches the pattern.
 boolean UIRefinement.matchesPattern(LList pattern)
 void UIRefinement.setPattern(LList pattern)
 void UINodeSpec.setPattern(LList pattern)
static boolean UIRefinement.similarPattern(LList patternOne, LList patternTwo)

Constructors in ix.iview.domain with parameters of type LList
UINodeSpec(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.Object id, LList pattern)
UISpec(java.lang.String type, LList spec)

Uses of LList in ix.iview.igraph

Constructors in ix.iview.igraph with parameters of type LList
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain, Name id, LList pattern)
ExpansionModel.NodeComponent(UIDomain uiDomain, java.lang.String name, LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.iview.table

Methods in ix.iview.table that return LList
protected  LList ActionTreeTableModel.getPattern(IXTNTreeTableNode iNode)

Uses of LList in ix.iview.util

Methods in ix.iview.util that return LList
static LList IVUtil.replaceInPattern(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar, LList pattern)
          Replace each variable in each given constraint with the new one propertiesMap (property-constraintSet)

Methods in ix.iview.util with parameters of type LList
static java.lang.String IVUtil.getPropertyFromPattern(LList pattern)
          Looks at the first element in the list and compares it to the given property.
static java.lang.String IVUtil.getSubjectInPattern(LList pattern)
          Looks at the second element in the list returns it as a string.
static boolean IVUtil.isInPattern(ItemVar var, LList pattern)
static boolean IVUtil.isPropertyPattern(ObjectProperty prop, LList pattern)
          Looks at the first element in the list and compares it to the given property.
static boolean IVUtil.isSubjectInPattern(ItemVar var, LList pattern)
          Looks at the second element in the list and compares it to the given variable.
static LList IVUtil.replaceInPattern(ItemVar oldVar, ItemVar newVar, LList pattern)
          Replace each variable in each given constraint with the new one propertiesMap (property-constraintSet)

Uses of LList in ix.test

Fields in ix.test declared as LList
(package private) static LList MatchChoiceHandler.activityPattern
(package private)  LList SimpleBlockSim.finalTowers
(package private)  LList SimpleBlockSim.initialTowers
(package private)  LList SimpleBlockSim.towers

Methods in ix.test that return LList
 LList SimpleBlockSim.getTowers()
 LList MakeRandomInstance.makeLList(java.lang.Class c, java.lang.Class eltClass)
(package private)  LList OPlanPSGraph.nodeToList(PlanNode node)
(package private)  LList OPlanPSGraph.orderingToList(Ordering ord)
(package private)  LList BlockStacker.pattern(java.lang.String pat)
(package private)  LList CompendiumToIX.patternFromCompendiumNode(org.jdom.Element elt)
(package private)  LList CompendiumToIX.patternFromText(java.lang.String text)
          Converts text taken from a Compendium label to an I-X pattern.

Methods in ix.test with parameters of type LList
(package private)  void BlockStacker.checkPattern(java.util.Map state, LList pattern, Symbol expectedValue, java.util.List incorrectPatterns)
protected  ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint MatchStateHandler.commaSyntax(LList itemPattern)
          Parser for comma-separated pattern = value pairs.
(package private)  Constraint MatchStateHandler.makeConstraint(LList pattern)
(package private)  Constraint MatchStateHandler.makeConstraint(LList pattern, java.lang.Object value)
(package private)  MatchChoice MatchChoiceTest.makeMatchChoice(LList alists)
protected  ix.icore.domain.ListOfConstraint MatchStateHandler.parenSyntax(LList itemPattern)
          Parser for pattern = value pairs with each pattern in parens.
(package private)  Constraint BlockStacker.worldEffect(LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.test.xml

Fields in ix.test.xml declared as LList
(package private)  LList WorldStateView.Filter.patternPattern

Methods in ix.test.xml that return LList
(package private)  LList MissionaryTest.MissionaryTestRunner.nextState(LList state, LList move)
 LList LispSourceText.readSource()

Methods in ix.test.xml with parameters of type LList
 boolean WorldStateView.isIncluded(LList pattern, java.lang.Object value)
(package private)  LList MissionaryTest.MissionaryTestRunner.nextState(LList state, LList move)
(package private)  boolean WorldStateView.Filter.trueOf(LList p, java.lang.Object v)

Constructors in ix.test.xml with parameters of type LList
WorldStateView.Filter(LList patternPattern, java.lang.Object valuePattern)

Uses of LList in ix.util

Fields in ix.util declared as LList
protected  LList Duration.isoSequence

Methods in ix.util that return LList
 LList ObjectCopier.copyLList(LList obj)
          Copies an LList that has a spine made of instances of any mixture of Cons subclasses, calling ObjectCopier.mapElement(Object) on each list element as it goes.
static LList PatternParser.parse(java.lang.String pattern)
 LList PatternParser.Parser.parsePattern(java.lang.String pattern)
 LList PatternParser.LispPatternParser.parsePattern(java.lang.String pattern)
static LList Seq.toLList(java.util.Enumeration e)

Methods in ix.util with parameters of type LList
 LList ObjectCopier.copyLList(LList obj)
          Copies an LList that has a spine made of instances of any mixture of Cons subclasses, calling ObjectCopier.mapElement(Object) on each list element as it goes.
static java.util.Enumeration Seq.elements(LList l)
static java.lang.String PatternParser.unparse(LList pattern)
 java.lang.String PatternParser.Parser.unparsePattern(LList pattern)
 java.lang.String PatternParser.LispPatternParser.unparsePattern(LList pattern)

Uses of LList in ix.util.context

Methods in ix.util.context that return LList
 LList LLQueue.contents()
protected  LList LLQueue.setLLContents(LList contents)

Methods in ix.util.context with parameters of type LList
protected  LList LLQueue.setLLContents(LList contents)

Constructors in ix.util.context with parameters of type LList
LLQueue.LLQueueListIterator(LList list, int start)

Uses of LList in ix.util.lisp

Subclasses of LList in ix.util.lisp
 class Cons
          Non-empty lists.
 class Null
          The class of Lisp.NIL, and of nothing else.

Fields in ix.util.lisp declared as LList
protected  LList
(package private)  LList Cons.cdr
protected  LList LListListIterator.list
protected  LList ConsEnumeration.tail

Methods in ix.util.lisp that return LList
 LList LList.alistKeys()
 LList Null.append(LList tail)
abstract  LList LList.append(LList tail)
 LList Cons.append(LList tail)
 LList Null.cdr()
abstract  LList LList.cdr()
 LList Cons.cdr()
 LList LListCollector.contents()
 LList LList.delete(java.lang.Object e)
 LList LList.drop(int n)
 LList LList.dropTo(java.lang.Object a)
static LList Lisp.elementsFromString(java.lang.String s)
 LList LList.flatmap(Function1 f)
 LList LListIterator.getTail()
          Returns the tail of the list that corresponds to the iterator's current position.
 LList LList.insert(java.lang.Object e, Predicate2 lessp)
 LList LList.intersect(LList set)
protected  LList LispReader.listreader()
static LList LList.LListify(java.util.List l)
          Returns an LList copy of a possibly nested List.
 LList LList.mapc(Function1 f)
 LList LList.mapcar(Function1 f)
 LList LList.mapNth(int n)
          Returns a list of the nth elements from a list of lists.
static LList LList.mapToAlist(java.util.Map map)
 LList LList.mapTree(Function1 f)
protected  LList LispInterpreter.Syntax.mustBeLListOf(java.lang.Class c, java.lang.Object obj)
static LList LList.newLList(java.util.Collection c)
 LList LList.permute()
 LList LListCollector.popToAny(java.util.Collection delimiters)
 LList LList.put(java.lang.Object propname, java.lang.Object value)
          Returns a plist that maps propname to value.
 LList LList.replaceAll(java.lang.Object old, java.lang.Object neu)
 LList LList.reverse()
 LList LList.take(int n)
 LList LList.takeTo(java.lang.Object a)
 LList LList.without(java.lang.Object e)
          Returns an LList that does not contain any element == to e.
 LList LList.withoutAll(java.util.Collection c)
          Returns an LList that does not contain any element of a specified collection.
 LList LList.withoutFirst(java.lang.Object e)
          Returns an LList that does not contain the first element, if any, that is == to e.
 LList LList.withoutFirstEqual(java.lang.Object e)
          Returns an LList that does not contain the first element, if any, that equals e.

Methods in ix.util.lisp with parameters of type LList
 LList Null.append(LList tail)
abstract  LList LList.append(LList tail)
 LList Cons.append(LList tail)
 void LListCollector.appendLList(LList l)
protected  void LispInterpreter.Syntax.checkLength(int required, LList form)
 void LListCollector.concLList(LList l)
static Cons Lisp.cons(java.lang.Object car, LList cdr)
 boolean Null.equal(LList l)
abstract  boolean LList.equal(LList list)
 boolean Cons.equal(LList list)
 LList LList.intersect(LList set)
protected  Cons Cons.newInstance(java.lang.Object car, LList cdr)
          Creates a new instance of this class.
 Interpreter.Expr LispInterpreter.Parser.parse(LList form)
protected  Interpreter.Expr LispInterpreter.Syntax.parseBody(LList body)
 void LListCollector.pushLList(LList l)
 void LListCollector.setContents(LList newContents)
protected static Cons LListListIterator.theCdrBefore(Cons tail, LList list)
static Cons Cons.typedCons(java.lang.Class consClass, java.lang.Object car, LList cdr)

Constructors in ix.util.lisp with parameters of type LList
Cons(java.lang.Object car, LList cdr)
LListIterator(LList list)
LListListIterator(LList list)
LListListIterator(LList list, int start)

Uses of LList in ix.util.xml

Methods in ix.util.xml that return LList
protected  LList XMLTranslator.makeLListFromElement(org.jdom.Element elt)